What Are Skin Tags?

Getting a skin tag for the first time can be frustrating and worrisome, but once it’s identified, you can begin to relax.  Skin tags are also called acrochordons, and they are non-cancerous growths that appear as flaps of skin or small floppy nodules. And while annoying in terms of their actual appearance, they are thankfully not dangerous in any way at all.  The biggest complaint that most people have is that they are unsightly and there may be no other way to spin that one. The good news is that many skin tags appear in areas which most others would not see including under your breasts, groin, upper chest and armpits; the place that they are most noticeable to the outside world is their appearance on your neck and eyelids.

You will want to be sure that the appearance of a skin tag is not a sign of any other problem at hand.  If you have not already gotten your yearly blood check, make an appointment with your physician to be sure that everything is in check.  If there are any questions about the skin tags, your doctor will refer you to a dermatologist for a further consultation.

There is no way to prevent skin tags, but you can remove them by having them surgically removed, or frozen or burnt off. The advantage of doing this is not only their permanent removal but also that if your physician is not sure if it is a skin tag, the skin tag can be biopsied.

The most common appearances for skin tags occur with the following:

  • Weight Gain.  If you’re obese or recently put on a lot of weight, you may find that skin tags appear.
  • Age.  Skin tags pop up as we age. There are different opinions if it’s after age 50 or 60, but when they appear, you are likely to know the time has started for you anyhow.
  • Type 2 Diabetes.  There is no definitive reason why the skin tags appear in this instance, but it may be connected to the body’s insulin resistance.
  • Family History.  Much research points to the fact that the appearance of skin tags runs in families.

Since most insurance companies will not pay for their removal, many people have tried to come up with their own home remedies for their removal including using tea tree oil, lemon juice, oregano oil, and apple cider vinegar. However, keep in mind that there is no scientific evidence that these home remedies work.

Skin Tag Annoyances

There are plenty of annoyances for skin tags, aside from their appearances, including the following:

  • Shaving.  You may have a skin tag where you shave, and if that is the case, be careful to skip that spot.  If you accidentally shave the skin tag, it will not cause permanent damage, but it may be painful and there may be prolonged bleeding.
  • Rubbing.  Especially around the neck, you may find that wearing jewelry or a particular type of clothing will cause the skin tag to irritated and red.  If this happens, best to remove the jewelry to allow the skin tag to breathe.
  • Eye Irritation.  When a skin tag appears near your eye, you may need to carefully apply your make up.  We encourage you to see an ophthalmologist to have it removed, especially if it’s near your eyelid and bothersome to you on a daily basis.