How To Get Rid Of Whiteheads

Our lives are busy and we are often rushing from place to place without much time to even eat nevermind just stop and breathe for a bit. We are possibly also not washing our faces as well as we should or giving it the nurturing it needs. And over time this may start to show the emergence of blackheads, pimples, and unsightly whiteheads. While the urge to pop these may seem tempting, it is best not to actually do so. When we pop our pimples we tend to squeeze them incorrectly, applying pressure from the side which can cause the infection to skin deeper into the pore, making the problem worse. So it’s best to leave the extractions to the experts, but there are some things you can do at home to keep your skin free from whiteheads. We have been exposed to products and ways to keep our skin free from blackheads, but whiteheads are a whole other issue.

Whiteheads Vs. Blackheads

Whiteheads are a type of acne that is usually the result of the pores becoming blocked with excess oil and dead skin cells. This results in what is called ‘closed comedones’ which are small growths on the skin that are white and yellowish in color. Blackheads, on the other hand, are when these growths become oxidized, turn black, and stretch the pores. Blackheads are often referred to as ‘open comedones’. Besides for the pores becoming clogged, whiteheads may also develop due to not eating a healthy diet, hormonal changes, weather changes, medications, skincare products and makeup, or genetic factors.

What Can You Do About It?

No one likes to experience a breakout. It can leave you feeling self-conscious and affect your day or week. Below we have listed three ways in which you can keep your skin looking clear and whitehead free.

#1 Steaming Facial

Steam is a popular way to open the pores up and get rid of any grime that may be clogging them. Boil water and pour it into a bowl. Put your face over the bowl about 6 inches away. Cover your head with a towel to stop the steam from escaping. Breathe in deeply and imagine the steam working its magic on your pores. This is also great for congestion. For the best results, perform this steaming facial every day for one week.

#2 The Spice Of Life

This miracle spice also offers many benefits for your skin – turmeric. Turmeric has many anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits which help to heal whiteheads. Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric with either water or honey to make a paste. Put it over the whiteheads and leave on for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with water. This should ideally be done every day for a week.

#3 Oat Scrub

Oatmeal is one of those wonder foods that also offers many benefits for your skin. Making a scrub with it works as an effective exfoliator which is excellent for getting rid of whiteheads. Combine half a cup of oatmeal with a spoon of sugar and a spoon of honey to make a paste. Massage onto your skin for 5 minutes and wash off. This should be done every second day for the course of a week to see an improvement.

Flow these three steps and you should see a big improvement in your whiteheads in no time!