Keeping Those Lips Soft

Keeping your lips healthy rather than chapped and peeling is not as easy as you’d think it would be. Figuring out the why to chapped lips is not as complicated as you might think.  If you don’t care for your lips, and protect them from the elements in the air, you are likely to end up cracked, split and dry lips. It’s as simple as that.

There are tips for keeping your lips soft and moist, and here are my top 5 reasons how to do it.

  1. Use Lip Balm every single day, multiple times a day.  Every person should have one in every bag, briefcase or purse they own.  They are certainly cheap enough.  Use the lip balm as many times a day that you think about it prevent your lips from even beginning to get split.
  2. Protect your lips like they are your prized possession.  That means when you go outside, cover up your lips however you can by wearing something over your face.  Take the extra time to cover up.
  3. Licking your lips must stop.  This is something that many people don’t know.  Saliva dries up your lips rather than moisturizes them.  If your lips are dry, best to take out your lip balm and apply it immediately.  Licking your lips is one of the nervous habits that can hurt your health.
  4. Nourish your body.  The connect between chapped lips and a lack of nourishment is definitely plain and clear.  If you don’t have enough multi-vitamins coming in either by taking a complex B vitamin along with Iron as well, you are likely going to see that your lips will suffer accordingly.
  5. Apply sunblock to your lips.  It’s good to invest in something that you put on when you go outside and are in the sun.  It’s not just about protecting your skin and your face from the sun, it’s your lips too.  And we often forget about them.

Drinking Water

It’s a question that has been asked many times again and drinking tons of water is key.  Not only can drinking lots of water help you avoid being dehydrated, but it’s also about keeping your entire body hydrated properly.  Drinking plenty of water, usually with the recommendation of 8-10 glasses of water a day, is going to help ensure that your lips are properly cared for in the ways that they should be.  If you cannot remember to drink, fill up a large water bottle and carry it around with you until it’s finished.  Or whatever strategy works for you.

There are lots of natural products on the market too, and homemade remedies that you can make and prepare for yourself with coconut oil.  Be creative about what you can come up with.  Whatever you make though, the flavor has the favorable or you won’t want to use it.

The key is consistency and commitment.  Keeping your lips well cared for is something that is an investment of a lifetime.  And you’ll certainly be glad that you made the investment.  Dealing with chapped lips is no fun.  Trust me.