Teens And Good Skin Care Habits

Looking good and feeling good is connected for sure, and it’s not at all uncommon for us to have to help our children remember this very fact so that they can develop the good habits that are needed to always be at their very best.  As parents, we can have a list of 5 points that we want to continuously drill into our children to help them remember how to stay healthy.


Getting a good night sleep is key, especially during teenage years.  There is a relationship between sleep and health and studies now show that teens sleep better when they feel supported both at home and in their school communities.  That is, they feel that when the two places that they spend the most time are places which are allowing them to thrive in a good setting – then things are simply easier.


Being organized is the last good habit to develop when you are young; putting things in their proper place, knowing when your next test is and when you have to be in a certain place at a certain time.  Getting into a routine, and keeping it will help them stay on top of whatever responsibilities they have including their study habits and help them avoid late-night cramming and a lot of stress.


What you put in your body is key.  Our teens are on the go, rushing from one place to another, completing this and that, and many times taking the time to stop and eat is not always a priority.  Yet starting off the day with a good meal that is not full of starch carbs and sugar, is important.  And arming your children with fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy snacks to throw in their bag, will help them avoid being the high school student who is purchasing a candy bar in the vending machine.


Exercising and sweating should be a part of your teen’s lifestyle. But unfortunately today, a lot of teens are missing out on any type of regular exercise.  Modeling this for your teens is important, but also building in time to connect together can be important too.  You might take a class together, or walk once a week.  Or your teen may be an athlete and already running cross country.  Whatever the situation is, make sure to not ignore the importance of being fit and making exercise a part of your day-to-day life.


Regular showering and maintaining proper hygiene is a key habit to develop for teens.  Although the instinct may already be there for many, for others reminders for them to shower and brush their teeth, as well as floss, may still be necessary until you are absolutely positive that they have these habits well developed and down pat.  You will certainly know if that is not the case – and if you need to take your teenager to the store to pick out some new products, that can sometimes help inspire a new spur in better habits. But otherwise, remember that talking about hygiene is not always easy for your teen so keeping a good line of communication is needed.

Don’t forget the number one rule:  teaching good habits is all about modeling them yourself.