The Great Discipline Of Great Skin

There is undoubtedly a genetic factor involved with whether or not you have great skin.  But there is also a factor or time and care for your skin – in short, discipline.  The more you put in, typically the better the results.  Not always, of course, but we have prepared a list of 10 things that you’ll want to do daily to ensure that your skin has the best chance of being as beautiful as it can be.

  1. Wash your face twice a day.

If you wash your face every day, both in the morning and at night before bedtime, you will be ridding your face of the dirt and bacteria, and excess oils that are building up.  It is worthwhile to purchase a cleanser for your exact skin type.

  1. Moisturize twice a day.

Applying a moisturizer twice a day to your face is key, and best to put it on right after your shower.  You’ll want to use a moisturizer that is fragrance-free and gentle for your skin.

  1. Wear sunscreen every day.

Too many people wear sunscreen only during the hot summer months; there is no excuse for walking around thinking that is acceptable.  There is so much research and information that backs up the importance of wearing sunscreen every day throughout the year.

  1. Drink enough fluids from water, other beverages, and food.

The recommendation is 15.5 cups of fluids a day for women and 11.5 cups of fluid for women is the required daily amount of fluids.  If you don’t like water, know that you should still do everything in your power to drink it, and learn to like it.

  1. Don’t skimp on sleep.

People with great skin look good; they don’t have bags under the eyes, they look refreshed, and their skin is glowing.  The sleep factor is key here, so don’t skimp on your sleep.

  1. Don’t touch your face excessively.

For most people, your fingers are dirty and full of grime even after just washing them; bacteria is everywhere.  Therefore it’s best not to over touch your face at any point.

  1. Be sure you’re getting your vitamins.

Individuals with good skin usually are eating a well balanced and nutritious diet, that is not full of processed foods and sugars.  If you are well aware that you are not eating well, you are advised to add a multivitamin to your diet to allow you to get the vitamins and minerals your body is calling for.

  1. Wash your makeup brushes.

Dust and grind collects in your makeup brushes and so you will need to clean them regularly; for eye brushes, twice a month if suffice; for face brushes, once a week; all other brushes, once a month is fine.  Clean with a drop of shampoo and warm water.  Best to keep the water away from the brush’s base.

  1. Don’t overuse face skin products.

You’ll need at max just a few products for your face.  Any more than that is recipe for a disaster and can be too harsh on the skin.  The last thing you want is clogged pores and to break out because you are over caring for your skin.

  1. Exercise regularly.

People with great skin are also generally in great physical shape.  If you can get yourself out walking and /or to any type of regular exercise, your entire body will appreciate the fact that you are caring for it. The effect is always real.

When you take care of your skin, you are taking care of your whole body.   There are no shortcuts on this one.